Akad Sebagai Bingkai Transaksi Bisnis Syariah

Fatah Wirayuda, Novien Rialdy


This article examines the role of contracts in sharia business transactions as a legal framework that regulates interactions between business actors. A contract, which is an agreement between two or more parties, has a deep meaning in the context of sharia, where every transaction must comply with the provisions of the Koran and Sunnah. The research method used is literature study, which involves analysis of literature related to Islamic law and sharia business. The research results show that a contract has four main conditions, namely the conditions for the formation of the contract, the conditions for the validity of the contract, the conditions for the legal consequences of the contract to come into force, and the conditions for the binding of the contract. A good understanding of contracts is very important for business people to ensure that their activities are not only financially profitable, but also in accordance with sharia principles.


Contracts, sharia business, Islamic law, transactions

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