Gambaran Kejadian Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) Pada Histeroskopi Operatif

Fitriyani Purbosari, Tophan Heri Wibowo, Rahmaya Nova Handayani


Postoperative nausea and vomiting (Ponv) is still a problem in modern anesthesia practice, because it is the most frequent cause of post-anesthesia patient discomfort. The effects are physiological and psychological and have an impact on increasing the burden of care costs while the patient is being treated. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PonV) during operative hysteroscopy using regional anesthesia (spinal anesthesia) and general anesthesia techniques. This research method uses a quantitative study and the research design used is descriptive. The total sample was 40 respondents and the gender was female. The results of the analysis based on the age characteristics of respondents can be seen that the majority of respondents are in the age range 41-50 years, namely 18 (45%) respondents, aged 31-40 years, namely 14 (35%) respondents, aged 20-30 years, namely 4 (10%) respondents, aged 51-60 years were 2 (5%) respondents, aged 61-70 years were 2 (5%) respondents. Based on the type of anesthesia technique, there were 4 respondents with regional anesthesia (spinal anesthesia) who experienced PONV out of 30 respondents. Of the respondents with general anesthesia, there were 4 respondents who experienced PONV out of 10 respondents.


Operative Histeroscopy, Post Operative Nausea And Vomiting (Ponv)

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