Fenomena Hijrah dalam Cerpen Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi Karya Helvy Tiana Rosa dan Film Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi Karya Firman Syah

Marshanda Aprillia


Hijrah can be interpreted as a change in all aspects of life. This phenomenon of hijrah was also outlined by the author, Helvy Tiana Rosa, in her short story entitled "Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi" based on her experiences related to hijrah or imagination which was able to express the phenomenon of hijrah into the short story. He wrote this story because as a young person, he really wanted to read youth short stories with strong Islamic nuances. The object of this research is the short story "Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi" and the subject of this research is the phenomenon of migration contained in the short story "Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi". Because the object of this research uses short stories and films, the researcher used comparative literary methods with qualitative descriptive for this writing. And the results of this research are: first, in the short story "Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi" by Helvy Tiana Rosa there is a migration phenomenon that occurs. Second, hijrah can be divided into two, namely physical and spiritual hijrah. Third, there are many virtues in emigrating, namely (1) humans who emigrate will receive extensive sustenance, (2) humans who emigrate will have their mistakes erased, (3) humans who emigrate will have their status elevated before Allah SWT and be guaranteed heaven. and (4) humans who emigrate will be given victory and gain His approval.


Hijrah phenomenon, short story, Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi

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