Tokoh-Tokoh Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dan Peranannya
The development of education in Indonesia from time to time is certainly inseparable from the role of great figures who have fought for education, they are heroes for the success of this country. These figures are so many that some are known by the public and some are not. However, even so, they still have the same services in developing education in this country. Islamic education figures in Indonesia are present at the forefront as figures who are aware of the progress of education in Indonesia in order to free themselves from the constraints of backwardness, especially in terms of religion. Therefore, they try to renew the Islamic education system in Indonesia as a form of enthusiasm and attention to the embryo of the successors of the young generation of Indonesia, who are expected to have faith, morals and knowledge that are able to compete and adapt to the waves of the times that are very fast. The results of the study show that several Islamic education figures in Indonesia have been described above, including Ahmad Dahlan, K.H Hasyim Asy'ari, Raden Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, Mahmud Yunus, Buya Hamka, Imam Zarkasyi, K.H.A Wahid Hasyim. From the results of the thoughts of Islamic education figures, this continues to develop in Indonesia as an effort to defend and strengthen Islamic education by following the current era. Their involvement in the world of Islamic education, they poured out several things that are very useful for Islamic educators, namely how the principles of teaching, learning curriculum, materials taught, teaching methods, and the duties and responsibilities of a teacher in implementing learning.
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