Hutang Mahar Perkawinan Hukum Islam Dalam Perspektif Imam Hanafi dan Imam Hambali (Studi Komparatif)
Mahar is something that is given to a woman in the form of property or something similar when the marriage contract is carried out, the mahar is the rights of a wife that must be fulfilled by a husband, and additional obligations that Allah gives to a husband when making him in marriage in a position. Special obligatory gifts in the form of money or goods that are handed over by the groom to the bride when or as a result of the marriage contract taking place. The mahar that will be given and how much should be discussed by both parties so that they are mutually pleased and do not bother or burden one party. This research aims to find out how the dowry is owed or has not been paid in a marriage perspective between Hanafi Imams and Hambali Imams (comparative study). In compiling this thesis, we used a type of library research (library rese.arch) data collection using prime.r data and se.kunde.r data. Primary data covers the book of Islamic Fiqh, Wa Adillatuhu Islamic Fiqh and primary data is usually obtained from previous research reports covering compilations of Islamic law. And method. research analysis using the library. From the results of the study, the legal debt dowry can be postponed or can be borrowed, but the time period must be known and clear. While the results of a comparative study between the perspectives of Imam Hanafi and Imam Hambali regarding the dowry debt, it can be concluded that there are differences in terms of payment time and flexibility of dowry payment.
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