Hubungan Pemahaman Ilmu Tajwid Dengan Keterampilan Membaca Al-Quran Siswa di UPTD SDN 05 Baruah Gunuang

Hayatus Syfa, Junaidi J, Iswantir I, Charles C


This research was motivated by several problems found in UPTD SDN 05 Baruah Gunuang student, especially PAI subject in student’s understanding of recitation science and AI-Quran reading skills. The problem is that there are still students who are not yet skilled at reading the AI-Quran even though their understanding of science of recitation can be said to be quite good. The aim of this research is to determine the significant relationship between understanding the science of recitation and student’s AI-Quran reading skills. This research is a correlational type quantitative research using Pearson Product Moment. This research is located at UPTD SDN 05 Baruah Gunuang. The population of this research is class V and VI student at UPTD SDN 05 Baruah Gunuang, totaling 30 students. In selecting the research sample, Total Sampling was used where are all members of the population were sampled, namely 30 students in grades V and VI. The instruments used in this research are questionnaires and pratical tests with the help of a likert scale. Research based on data processing found that there was a significant relationship between students' understanding of the science of recitation and AI-Quran reading skills. These findings are supported by hypothesis testing based on data, which found a pearson correlation value of 0,507 greater than 0,361, indicating that there is a significant relationship between students' understanding of the science of recitation and AI-Quran reading skills.


Islamic Religious Education, Tajwid Science, Reading The AI-Quran

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