Analisis Statistik Distribusi Usia Tenaga Pendidik di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kalimantan Timur dan Papua Barat

Muhammad Nurcahyadi, Jonathan Pramudita Perdana, Syahrul Efendi


This study focuses on the age distribution of educators, especially principals and teachers in four provinces that we have chosen for our study, namely West Java, West Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan and West Papua, we chose these four provinces because we think there are many gaps in the distribution of educators. The problem raised is the lack of statistical information regarding the age distribution of educators. Using interval data from official sources, this study calculates the average and median values of the age of educators in each province, and we will present the data in the form of Histograms, Polygons and Ogives. We want to show that there is significant variation in the age distribution in the province. These results can be a reference for policies in managing human resources in the field of educators.


Age distribution, educational staff, descriptive statistics, education policy

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