Efektivitas Pembelajaran Microteaching dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat pada Mahasiswa PAI Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya

Muchammad Lubbil Khobir, Muhammad Yusron Maulana El-Yunusi


This research examines the effectiveness of microteaching in promoting community development among students in the Department of Islamic Education (PAI) at Sunan Giri University Surabaya. Using a qualitative approach, this study examines how microteaching improves students' ability to plan, implement, and assess community-based education programs. Data were obtained through observation, document analysis, and interviews. The findings showed that microteaching significantly improved students' skills in learning, social awareness, and their responsibility towards social issues such as education and community service. Students also became more confident in implementing community service programs, optimizing the use of educational technology, and improving communication and teamwork skills. Therefore, microteaching is very effective in making PAI students as agents of change who always engage the general public through education based on religious principles.


Microteaching, community empowerment, Islamic Education, student development.

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