Ikhtilaf Sahabat dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kemunculam Mazhab Fiqh

Yudi Surono


Disagreement among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is one of the crucial aspects in the development of Islamic history that has a significant impact on the emergence of schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence. This study aims to analyze the causes and impacts of disagreement among the companions and how these differences in understanding influence the formation of schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence. Using a qualitative approach and historical analysis, this study explores examples of disagreement in issues of Islamic jurisprudence, aqidah, and worship. The results of the study show that disagreement not only reflects the diversity of thought, but also enriches the intellectual treasury of Islam, allowing the emergence of schools of thought with diverse approaches and characteristics. Understanding disagreement among the companions is important to appreciate the complexity and diversity of Islamic religious practices today.


Disagreement, companions, schools of thought, Islamic jurisprudence

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