Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Tubektomi Bagi Keluarga Berencana Ditinjau dari Aspek Kesehatan dan Fatwa Majelis Ulama’ Indonesia
This study aims to examine in depth the use of tubectomy contraception. Where this contraception is in great demand among the community. Because it is permanent and proven to prevent pregnancy. In conducting the study, researchers looked for competent data sources in their fields. Researchers conducted research in the form of interviews with obstetricians and gynecologists at Kirana Hospital, Sidoarjo. Researchers conducted interviews with dr. Setya Budi Pamungkas Sp.og, where he is an obstetrician and gynecologist who handles prospective tubectomy users. According to him, tubectomy is a way to cut the fallopian tubes where this channel carries the egg to the uterus. If this channel is cut, the egg cannot go to the uterus so that if sperm is emitted, it will not meet the egg which results in no fertilization. Tubectomy itself is highly recommended for women with certain conditions such as women over 35 years of age, have heart disease, have a history of infectious diseases, and have diseases in the female genital area. Researchers also conducted research at the Indonesian Ulema Council, Sidoarjo Regency. Because aspects based on Islam are regulated by the Indonesian Ulema Council. Researchers conducted interviews with K.H. Achmad Muhammad as the chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Sidoarjo Regency. He emphasized that tubectomy is a sterilization effort that is strictly prohibited by religion. However, in certain conditions, tubectomy may be used if someone really has to have a tubectomy due to health factors. Although tubectomy has been proven to be recanalized or reconnected, its legal status remains haram because it has not been proven to restore fertility to its original state.
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dr. Se.tya Budi Pamungkas. RSIA Kirana 14/07/2023. 22.00 WIB
K.H. Achmad Muhammad. Maje.lis Ulama Indone.sia Kabupate.n Sidoarjo. 18/07/2023 13.00 WIB
Informan 1. Sidoarjo. 09/03/2023
Informan 2. Sidoarjo. 18/03/2023
Surat Ke.rja Maje.lis Ulama Indone.sia Tahun 1979 Te.ntang Vase.ktomi dan Tube.ktomi
Fatwa Maje.lis Ulama Indone.sia tahun 1983 Te.ntang,, dan Pe.mbangunan
Hasil-Hasil Ijtima' Ulama Komisi Fatwa Maje.lis Ulama Indone.sia III Tahun 2009 di Padang Panjang.
Ijma Ulama Indone.sia 2012 Te.ntang Vase.ktomi.
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