Realisasi Pendidikan yang Berpihak dan Memerdekakan Peserta Didik dalam Pendidikan Abad Ke-21
21st century education demands a transformation of the educational paradigm that is centered on teachers towards education that is biased and liberates students. However, in reality, the current problem is that the education system is still dominated by a traditional approach that is centered on teachers, providing less space for students to be active, creative, and independent. 21st century education demands a transformation of learning that is centered on teachers towards a paradigm that liberates students. The 21st Century Learning Approach with a focus on 4C (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity) is the key to realizing it. The Characteristics of the 21st Century Learning Approach are centered on students, contextual and relevant, active and collaborative and using technology. So that it will increase student independence while at the same time opening the way to an atmosphere of student independence in the teaching and learning process. The method used in this study is a literature study by collecting data from previous research results and their relevant results. The purpose of the literature study in this study is 1) to find the problem to be studied, 2) to find information and data that are relevant to the topic to be discussed, 3) to add new knowledge from the results of the research being studied, 4) to test a basic truth of the theoretical approach in the problem being studied. While the analysis technique used is content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the 21st Century 4C Learning Approach is an effective strategy to liberate students and prepare them for a bright future in realizing education that is biased and liberates students.
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