Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap E-Parkir Pada Hotel The Arista Menggunakan Metode Servqual
Economic growth and increasing private vehicle ownership have led to a surge in the number of vehicles in urban areas, triggering challenges in providing adequate parking space. The large number of vehicles parked on the side of the road causes congestion and disrupts traffic flow. The government is trying to overcome this problem through a progressive parking tariff policy to encourage orderly use of parking spaces. In the hospitality sector, such as at The Arista Hotel, the increase in private vehicles increases the need for safe and comfortable parking facilities. This study aims to evaluate the quality of parking services at The Arista Hotel using the Servqual method, which includes five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. This approach helps assess the physical condition of the facility, service reliability, staff response speed, security assurance, and understanding of customer needs. Data were collected through a survey of hotel guests to measure the level of satisfaction in each dimension. The results showed that the tangibles and responsiveness dimensions have a significant impact on customer satisfaction, with tangibles covering the cleanliness and comfort of the parking area, and responsiveness related to the speed of staff response. On the other hand, the assurance and empathy dimensions still need improvement, especially in terms of customer trust in security and staff attention to user needs.
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