Strategi Guru dalam Membimbing Kesempurnaan Bacaan dan Gerakan Sholat Murid di TPQ Surau Lakuak Padang Batu Tagak Jorong Batu Hampar Nagari Manggopoh

Muhammad Nur, Pendi Hasibuan


The importance of prayer for Muslims, but when looking at the reality of today, many children abandon prayer, even though they know the law of prayer is mandatory, and they know how to pray how to pray. But there are still children who do not know the prayer readings at all. The teacher's strategy in guiding the perfection of prayer readings and movements is to demonstrate or demonstrate prayer movements and readings to students by the way the teacher demonstrates prayer movements and readings to students before asking students to practice them. Providing an example in carrying out prayers. When the call to prayer has been sounded, the teacher immediately invites the students to hasten ablution and invites students to pray in congregation and perform sunnah prayers, so that the teacher's attitude can be imitated and emulated by students.


Teacher strategy, prayer reading, prayer movement

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