Upaya Guru PAI Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa di SMPN 1 Panyabungan Utara

Putri Damai Yanti, Januar J, Fauzan F, Fajriyani Arsya


This research was based on a phenomenon that occurred when researchers saw PAI teachers' efforts to overcome the learning difficulties of students who experienced learning difficulties in Islamic religious education subjects. The aim of the research is to find out 1) To find out how Islamic religious education teachers try to overcome learning difficulties in the cognitive aspects of class IX.4 students at SMPN 1 Panyabungan Utara. 2) What are the supporting factors in overcoming learning difficulties in the cognitive aspects of class IX.4 students at SMPN 1 Panyabungan Utara. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The informant in this research is the key informant, namely the Islamic Religious Education teacher in Class IX.4. Supporting informants are class IX.4 students, class IX.4 homeroom teachers and the principal of SMPN 1 North Panyabugan. Data collection techniques used in this research are: observation, interviews, documentation. The results of the research show that PAI teachers' efforts to overcome learning difficulties in the cognitive aspects of class IX.4 students, namely identifying students who experience cognitive learning difficulties by looking at the students' daily exam results, PAI teachers classify the location of students' cognitive learning difficulties by providing remedial measures and grouping students' grades in below 75, PAI teachers determine the factors that cause students' cognitive learning difficulties, PAI teachers determine alternative assistance in overcoming students' cognitive learning difficulties, PAI teachers determine efforts to overcome students' cognitive learning difficulties, using expository and contextual strategies and PAI teachers carry out follow-up actions to overcome learning difficulties students' cognitive abilities. Supporting factors for PAI teachers in overcoming students' cognitive learning difficulties in class IX.4 at SMPN 1 Panyabungan Utara, namely adequate facilities and infrastructure, a conducive school environment and preparing learning materials that are tailored to students' abilities


Effort, PAI teacher, explaining learning.

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