Pengaruh Pendidikan Agama Terhadap Peningkatan Literasi Spiritual dan Mental Health di Kalangan Pelajar dan Mahasiswa

Encik Debita Valsamidis, Dwi Andiny Fauziyah, Kiesa Zamira, Nabhan Muhammad Ali


Mental disorders are a significant cause of social burden due to their high prevalence and inhibiting impact. A quarter of the world's population are students, many of whom experience mental disorders from an early age. This article discusses the significance of religious education in improving the mental well-being of students. Religious education has great potential in improving youth mental health by facilitating the development of healthy responses to stress, improving problem-solving skills, and encouraging positive social relationships. However, it is important to consider the potential negative impacts and design effective educational strategies to maximize the benefits.


Religious Education, Spiritual Literacy, Mental Health Students

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