Pengaruh Keterbatasan Akses Pendidikan Terhadap Tingginya Angka Putus Sekolah Dikaitkan Dengan SDGs

Aulia Anjani Nurdin, Ananda Ratu Mawaddah, Nayla Putri Abdullah, Natasya Yadilla, Qurrotul Aini


Education is a fundamental right of every person that must be fulfilled by the state. However, the problem of education in Indonesia has not been resolved, especially the opportunity for every child to get access to education. The role of development communication is very necessary in terms of being a supporting spearhead for children's education because communication patterns can be understood as a pattern of relationships between two or more people in sending and receiving messages in the right way so that the intended message can be understood. This research used qualitative research method. The data collection technique in the study below uses secondary data. In overcoming the problem of children dropping out of school requires ongoing efforts and involves various parties, ranging from the government, community, schools, to families. Based on the research results of the SDGs Implementation Strategy to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, it has been seen in several regions, to achieve the SDGs strategy in improving the quality of education in point 4, several targets have been prepared such as ensuring access to care for children who have not entered elementary school age, basic education and secondary education, and vocational education including universities that are affordable and quality; gender equality and eliminating gender dissimilarity; implementing and improving facilities for safe education and for children; improving the quality and accessibility of education; improving the quality of teachers and various facilities that support the education and learning process; improving special services for education; and prioritizing and strengthening character education.


Education, School Dropout, SDGs

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