Penerapan Proses Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Karyawan pada UMKM Tree Burger House
This observation aims to determine the recruitment process carried out by MSMEs Tree Burger House. Recruitment and selection is a very important process in determining whether or not applicants are recruited in the company. Â Because human resources have an important role in an organization or business, as well as recruitment and selection which have an important role in achieving the goals of a company. The method we use is descriptive with observative. The results we got were in the form of information about the various stages of the recruitment and selection process at the new MSMEs Tree Burger House branch. Starting from the process of disseminating information on the required position, the process of selecting prospective employees, the selection process and up to the job training process. MSMEs Tree Burger House also has several criteria to be met by prospective applicants. Because the criteria will be one of the considerations in the selection process later. The conclusion we can draw is that the recruitment process is an important process that will affect performance and must also go through quite serious processes and stages.
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Asriah, A., Fauzy, S. A., Pertiwi, S., Sandi, H., & Hidayaty, D. E. (2023). Pelatihan Karyawan Pada CV . Arsana Sentosa. 1(5), 83–88
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