Analisis Maslahah Najmuddin Al-Tufi Terhadap Pembagian Warisan Anak Perempuan

Mulsir Irawanda, Muhammad Wildan, H.M. Thahir Maloko


This research aims to determine the benefits according to Najmuddin al-Tufi and the distribution of daughters' inheritance in terms of the concept of benefits. The research method used is descriptive analysis, the data is processed using content analysis. The results of this study show several important points. First: that the benefits according to al-Tufi are different from those understood by the majority of ulama, al-Tufi believes that the benefits are as follows: Benefits and mafsaadat can be assessed on the basis of reason alone, Maslahat is an argument that stands alone and is separate from the syarak text, the scope of benefit is muamalah and custom and benefit are the strongest Islamic arguments. Second: Based on this view, there is nothing wrong with dividing a daughter's inheritance 1:1 as long as there are benefits, even though it is contrary to the Islamic law.


Najmuddin al-Tufi, Benefits, Distribution of Daughters' Inheritance

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