Peningkatan Promosi Produk UMKM Es Cendol Sueger Melalui Penciptaan Foto Katalog

Rena Arriva Dwi Nisaul Hotimah, Sonja Andarini


The development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) requires a strategy implemented in marketing their business products to enhance competitiveness and facilitate business growth, including through improving promotional efforts. One effective method for enhancing promotion is by creating marketing content through a product catalog. The goal of a product catalog is to visually and attractively promote products or services and make them easily shareable through social media, websites, or other marketing channels. This helps increase the interest of potential customers and assists them in making better purchasing decisions. UMKM Es Cendol Sueger is one of the UMKM’s located in Kauman Village that produces a beverage called cendol. However, UMKM Es Cendol Sueger faces a challenge in promoting its products, specifically the lack of a product catalog for each item. In this community service project, the KKNT 24 Group from UPN "Veteran" East Java aims to develop the business by creating a product catalog to improve business management. The methods utilized include observation, interviews, and documentation of activities involving the MSMEs. The outcome of this community service project is the creation of a product catalog that can enhance sales conversion through promotional activities


Product Photography; Marketing Strategy; Es Cendol Sueger UMKM’s

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Copyright (c) 2023 Rena Arriva Dwi Nisaul Hotimah, Sonja Andarini


Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia

E-ISSN :2986-7002