Edukasi Manajemen Diri Menggunakan Media Leaflet Pada Keluarga dengan Hipertensi

Ricko Dwi Haryanto, Sri Hartati, Siti Umayah


Self Management Education using leaflet media at the Cimacan Regional Hospital, Cianjur Regency. Hypertension is a disease called the "silent killer" with complications from stroke, heart and kidney disease. This research aims to determine leaflets in increasing self-efficacy in hypertensive patients. The method used was a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest control group design involving 86 patients undergoing outpatient treatment at the Cimacan Regional Hospital, Cianjur Regency. The research results showed that the average self-efficacy value of respondents before being given the intervention in the intervention group was 5.8 with a standard deviation of 4.638, while the average value after being given the intervention was 9.89 with a standard deviation of 1.526. Meanwhile, the average value after being given intervention in the control group was 7.00 with a standard deviation of 3.058. The results of further analysis using the Wilcoxon Test obtained a p-value of <0.05. In conclusion, there was an increase in hypertension sufferers after the leaflet.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ricko Dwi Haryanto, Obar O


Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia

E-ISSN :2986-7002