Illegal Fishing di Perairan Indonesia: Permasalahan Dan Upaya Penanganannya Secara Bilateral di Kawasan Asia Tenggara

Maria Irawati Banafanu, Yulyana Crykid Sili Mudamakin, Yohanes Arman


Illegal fishing still frequently occurs in Indonesian waters although many efforts have been conducted to stop it. Illegal fishing is not a typical problem Indonesia facing since it experienced also by other rich resource-countries due to its nature as a transnational crime. The writer therefore argues that the solution to overcome such transitional crime shall be done through a cross-national cooperation, including through a bilateral one. Although cooperation with neighboring countries have been conducted by Indonesia, multilateral- and bilaterally, however, all these still cannot secure the waters from illegal fishing. That is why a more serious and a better cooperation, in particular bilaterally, must be fostered by Indonesia’s government to effectively counter such a transnational crime. This research report discusses illegal fishing in the Indonesian waters, its causes, and the ways to handle it so far in the region.


Illegal fishing, Indonesian Waters, Country Territory Boundary

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