Analisis Pengaruh E-Satisfaction dan Repurchase Terhadap E-Loyalty Pengguna Wanita Millenial pada E-Commerce Shopee dengan Uji Reliabilitas dan Analisis Regresi

Nindya Pramadina, Widarto Rachbini


This research aims to analyze the influence of e-satisfaction and repurchase intention on e-loyalty in Shopee e-commerce users, especially millennial women. Using a quantitative approach and multiple linear regression analysis, data from 78 respondents was collected and tested using reliability test, ANOVA, and regression coefficient analysis. The results showed that simultaneously, e-satisfaction and repurchase intention have a significant effect on e-loyalty (F = 44.520; p < 0.001). However, partially, only repurchase intention has a significant effect on e-loyalty (B = 0.750; t = 5.871; p < 0.001), while e-satisfaction does not have a significant effect (B = 0.156; t = 1.303; p = 0.197). The R Square value of 0.543 indicates that 54.3% of the variation in e-loyalty is explained by these two variables, while the remaining 45.7% is influenced by other factors outside the model. This research highlights that although e-satisfaction is important, increasing customer loyalty in e-commerce is more influenced by repurchase intention.


eSatisfaction, Repurchase, eLoyalty

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