Dekonstruksi Narasi Historis Konflik Ideologis antara Khawarij dan Murji'ah: Analisis Genealogis terhadap Sumber-sumber Sejarah Islam Klasik
This study examines the historical narrative construction of the ideological conflict between the Khawarij and Murji'ah groups in classical Islamic sources. Through a genealogical and deconstructive approach, the study unveils the biases and interests underlying the formation of these narratives. In-depth analysis of classical texts shows that the prevailing narratives tend to oversimplify the complexity of the two groups' thought and position them as the "other" that must be defined and contrasted with the emerging Sunni orthodoxy. Socio-political factors, such as the interests of power legitimation and "politics of memory," are identified as influencing the construction of these historical narratives. The deconstruction of the dominant narratives enables a more nuanced reconstruction of the theological-political thought of the Khawarij and Murji'ah, revealing the depth and complexity often obscured. The findings of this research have important implications for the methodology of Islamic historiography, emphasizing the need for a critical-deconstructive approach and considering the multiplicity of voices in understanding the dynamics of Islamic thought in the past and its relevance to contemporary discourse.
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