Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Hidup Pada Dewasa dan Lansia
This study aims to identify the quality of life, which is a broad concept influenced by numerous factors. The research aims to determine the factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly as well as the development of life in adults and the elderly. Factors found to influence the quality of life of the elderly include family support, peer support, living environment, physical health, psychological health, healthcare services, marital status, economic level, education, and spirituality. These factors also significantly impact the life development process during adulthood and old age, particularly in adapting to age-related changes and emotional needs. This study employed a literature review method, analyzing 20 main journals along with additional supporting journals. The study provides insights into the necessity of a holistic approach to enhancing quality of life and life development among adults and the elderly. It highlights the importance of family contributions, social environment, and improved healthcare policies to support the well-being of the elderly in various cultural and social contexts. The findings are expected to form the basis for designing intervention programs to enhance the quality of life and life development for adults and the elderly.
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