Penerapan Cloud Computing Pada Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Umkm Kopi Charger

Maiko Aprianto, Ilham Akbar Adeguno, Erlin Lilis, Siti Aulia Zuriati, Sri R Rahayu


UMKM Kopi Charger, as a culinary business, faces challenges in effectively managing customer orders. The manual process, prone to errors, requires a technology-based solution to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Cloud computing technology was chosen to address this issue due to its ability to provide real-time data access, secure storage, and low initial investment costs. This research employed a prototype model approach consisting of five main steps: communication, quick planning, design modeling, prototype construction, and application development. The application was designed as a mobile-based system featuring key functionalities such as registration, login, coffee ordering, digital payment methods, and automated sales reporting. The researchers utilized Visual Code,, and XAMPP during the system development process. The results indicate that implementing a cloud computing-based information system significantly improves the efficiency of order management at Kopi Charger. Cloud computing technology also offers flexibility and scalability, enabling the system to handle user surges during promotions or peak hours. 


Cloud Computing, Order Information System, UMKM

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