Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam : Landasan Sejarah dan Perkembangannya dari Masa Ke Masa
This article examines the history and development of Islamic economic thought over time, highlighting the theoretical foundations that shape the Islamic economic system. Starting with the influence of thought in the Qur'an and hadith, this article explains the contributions of classical figures such as Imam al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun, and al-Maqrizi in building the foundations of Islamic economic thought. Further developments are discussed through the influence of social, political, and cultural dynamics that led to the evolution of Islamic economic thought, including how these theories are adapted in the context of the modern economy. The focus of this article also covers the challenges and potential of applying Islamic economic principles in today's global world. Through this study, it is hoped that readers will gain a deeper understanding of the relevance and contribution of Islamic economic thought in formulating an economic system based on the principles of justice, welfare, and sustainability.
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