Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web untuk Mengelola Data Kependudukan di Pemerintahan Daerah

Yogi Wardana Saputra, Tegar Winata, Muhamad Ridho Putra Budika


It is realized that the existing conditions of public service delivery are still faced with an ineffective and unskilled government system and the quality of human resources of the apparatus that is not yet adequate. It can also be seen from the many complaints that occur in the community through the existing mass media, related to complicated procedures, inefficiency, no certainty of timeframe, costs that must be incurred, requirements that are not transparent and difficult for the elderly to do, officers who are not professional in doing their jobs, thus creating a bad image of the government from the community. Technological developments can also be used to help solve problems related to public services. One solution is web mobile. The method used in this study is waterfall. Users of this system include: Residents, Village Heads and Sub-district Heads. The system is designed to receive data input from residents related to administrative correspondence and things that residents think should be improved by the system. Furthermore, data verification is carried out by the Village Head while the Sub-district Head can monitor residents and their administration in each village in his/her government area. This study has succeeded in implementing SIKADES (Village Population Information System) which will be utilized for Web Mobile technology, for the convenience of regional community services. Based on the testing of the system this time and conducting training carried out the system that we will create and develop so that it can be applied to other areas.


Information systems, population, mobile web, public services

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