Strategi Dakwah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Santri Membaca Iqro dan Menghafal Surat Pendek (di Mushola Ash-Shiddiqiyyah Desa Telagasari Kecamatan Lelea Kabupaten Indramayu)
Islam is a religion of da'wah, which is a religion that invites and commands its people to always spread and broadcast Islamic teachings to all mankind, in actualizing Islamic teachings, Mushola is one of the strategic places for the da'wah movement. Da'wah activities are an effort to invite, call, foster, and guide humans. In da'wah requires a strategy so that the purpose of da'wah can be carried out properly. In the strategy requires a component for support, including da'i, mad'u, material, and media. So that these da'wah activities can improve the quality of students in Mushola. The quality of the students here is to develop the students in Mushola Ash-Shiddiqiyyah Telagasari village in reading iqro and memorizing short letters. In the background above, how is the formulation of da'wah strategies in improving the quality of students in iqro reading activities and memorizing short letters in Mushola Ash-Shiddiqiyyah? What are the factors that encourage and inhibit students and what are the results of the da'wah strategy carried out to improve the quality of students? The research method used in this research uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive. With data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation.
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