Korupsi sebagai Respon terhadap Krisis Ekonomi pada Lapisan Masyarakat Menengah ke Bawah di Indonesia
This article aims to analyze the factors causing corruption among the lower middle class in the midst of the economic crisis facing the Indonesian nation. According to UNODC, corruption is defined as a complex situation in the social, political and economic fields, causing delays and instability in these fields. Corruption is also often carried out by lower middle class people in order to fulfill their daily needs. It cannot be denied that the economic crisis which brings pressure on people makes them do various things. The economic crisis has had a significant impact, especially among the lower middle class. This article uses quantitative methods with a literature study design to further examine trusted journal and web articles. The results of this paper show that corruption and poverty are interconnected, where corruption increases poverty and poverty can cause corruption. National economic growth will slow down slightly in 2023 to 5.05%. Meanwhile in 2022 it will be at 5.31 even though poverty and unemployment will fall in 2023, namely 9.36%, while in 2022 it will be 9.54%.
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