Teknologi Digital Dalam Reformasi Kebijakan Keuangan Publik

Jesika Puteri


Digital technology has become a pivotal force in transforming public financial management, particularly through e-budgeting, AI systems, and blockchain technology. E-budgeting enhances transparency by digitizing budget processes, ensuring real-time data integration, accessible public information, and reducing data manipulation risks. Countries like Indonesia and South Korea have reported increased transparency scores after implementing e-budgeting. The use of AI in budgeting improves operational efficiency by predicting budget needs, optimizing resource allocation, and reducing human error. AI-powered systems enable faster, more accurate fiscal decisions. Blockchain technology strengthens accountability by providing transparent, immutable transaction records, reducing corruption risks. While these technologies contribute significantly to more efficient and transparent financial management, challenges remain, including infrastructure gaps and digital literacy issues. Governments must invest in technology infrastructure and human resource development to ensure the successful implementation of digital financial reforms. The findings suggest that digital transformation not only improves financial governance but also supports broader sustainable development goals


Digital technology, e-budgeting, AI systems, blockchain, public financial management, transparency, accountability, operational efficiency, sustainable development.

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