Konsep Guru Ideal Dalam Perspektif Imam Al-Ghazali Dalam Kitab Ihya Ulumuddin dan Relevansinya Dengan Kompetensi Guru
The focus of the problem in this research is the concept of the ideal teacher according to Imam al-Ghazali in the book Ihya Ulumuddin and the relevance of the concept of the ideal teacher according to Imam Al-Ghazali in the book Ihya Ulumuddin to teacher competence. This research is library research, taking the work of a scholar who conveys many thoughts in the world of education, namely Imam Al-Ghazali. This data collection was carried out using a document method consisting of primary data sources, namely the book Ihya Ulumuddin volume 1, and secondary data in the form of books, journals, articles containing research themes. Data analysis uses content analysis with a historical approach. The results of the research show that the concept of the ideal teacher according to Imam Al Ghazali has eight concepts, namely the teacher must have a sense of compassion, the teacher must imitate the example of the Prophet, the teacher must convey the material comprehensively, the teacher is able to take protective action, the teacher must not denigrate other knowledge, the teacher must teach students according to their abilities, teachers must be able to teach children with special needs, and teachers as models. The concept of the ideal teacher put forward by Imam al-Ghazali is still largely relevant to the competence of teachers today.
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