Efektivitas Aplikasi JKN Mobile Dalam Mendukung Akses Layanan Bagi Peserta BPJS di Klinik Pratama Rawat Inap Santi Meliala

Nazla Amaliah, M. Umar Saifurrahman Zaidan, Fadilla Zahra, Berlianti B


The JKN Mobile application is a digital innovation of BPJS Health to improve efficiency and access to health services for the community. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the JKN Mobile application in supporting BPJS participants' access to health services at the Santi Meliala Primary Clinic. Using qualitative methods through in-depth interviews, the results showed that this application provides convenience for some participants, but still faces challenges such as low digital literacy and limited education about its use. Despite the obstacles, this application still provides significant benefits for participants who are familiar with technology.


JKN Mobile Application, Service Access, BPJS Participants

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