Peran Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Dalam Mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) Tujuan Ke-14 dan 15 Untuk Menjaga Keanekaragaman Hayati
Biodiversity is one of the most valuable assets of our planet, providing a variety of ecosystem services that are essential for human life and environmental well-being. However, with increasing urbanization, deforestation, and climate change, biodiversity is under threat. This article will discuss how natural resource conservation can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, especially those related to biodiversity. This study applies a descriptive qualitative method using literature study research techniques and descriptive analysis. In this study, the data used are in the form of scientific articles from various sources such as journals, proceedings, books with a period of approximately the last 5 years. Based on this study, we can conclude that natural resource conservation has a crucial role in realizing goals 14 and 15 of the SDGs to maintain biodiversity. Natural resource conservation can be done through biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management through various programs such as preserving natural habitats, reducing ecosystem destruction, maintaining genetic diversity, restoring endangered species populations, strengthening ecosystem balance and developing science and technology.
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