Studi Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Pada Pelajaran IPAS di SD NEGERI 064976
Learning models serve as the basis for designing, executing, and evaluating the effectiveness of the educational process. Various experts discuss learning models from different viewpoints, yet fundamentally, all point to methods that can facilitate the development of substantial or meaningful learning experiences. To enhance students' critical thinking abilities in science classes at SD Negeri 064976, multiple effective learning models can be implemented. One such model is the problem-based learning model (PBL), which encourages students to tackle issues related to the content being covered. In this approach, students not only absorb information but also engage in analysis, discussion, and solution-finding, thereby sharpening their critical thinking abilities. The Inquiry-Based Learning Model presents another option that holds the promise of yielding favorable outcomes. Within this framework, students are prompted to seek answers through inquiry and exploration. They are allowed to delve into specific subjects, pose questions, develop hypotheses, and conduct investigations to uncover answers, thus honing their capacity to think critically and systematically. By employing these models, there can be a significant improvement in students' critical thinking skills in science classes.
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