PT Sequis Life dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Sosial Melalui Asuransi Berkelanjutan

Monica Gloria Roartha, Katrin Natalia Br. Ginting, Nur Fitri Ramadani, Hairani Siregar


PT Sequis Assurance is a leading insurance company in Indonesia established in 1984, focusing on life and health insurance products. This journal examines the company's historical development, products, and marketing strategies, as well as its financial performance and social responsibility. Sequis Assurance has shown significant growth with various innovations in products and services, as well as the utilization of digital marketing to reach customers. Through an active CSR program, the company is committed to making a positive impact on society. The results of this study show that the success of PT Sequis Assurance lies not only in its financial performance, but also in its contribution to social and environmental welfare, making it one of the major players in the insurance industry in Indonesia.


Insurance, Society, Financial, Social, Welfare

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