Analisis Nilai Sosial Dalam Puisi “Sajak-Sajak Anak Mati” Karya Goenawan Mohamad: Pendekatan Mimetik

Rosmawaty Harahap, Muhammad Fadhil Romadhon, Rani Theresya Hutabarat, Lorenza Medolu Waruwu, Jihan Anisah Ritonga, Nurul Dwi Dara Auliya, Romatua Harianja


This study aims to see the social values contained in Goenawan Mohamad's work "Sajak-Sajak Anak Mati" in 1966, through a mimetic literary approach. Analysis of poetry with a mimetic approach, looking at the meaning and symbolism which are analyzed in a qualitative descriptive way, namely analysis by carefully observing and digesting the contents of the poem. The symbolism contained in this poem is relevant to real-world events in accordance with the mimetic approach. This study proves that "Anak mati" is not only a written work but a reflection of life at that time. The results of the study show that the reflection of life that appears in these poems is not only located in the theme of conflict, but also in uniting the social realities faced by individuals in a society that is increasingly changing, in line with what is happening.


dead children’s poems, mimetic approach, reflection of life, literary criticism

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