Development of Wordwall Application-Based Learning Media to Improve Communication Skills Using The TGT (Teams Games Tournaments) Material Magnet, Electricity, and Techonology for Life on Class V Primary School
This research aims to prove the results of developing learning media based on the wordwall application using material models of magnetism, electricity and technology for life class V SDS Nurul Huda Medan. The method used in this research is the R&D (Research and Development) method with the ADDIE model. Data collection techiques use observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques used in this research is in the from of a media feasibility test through media, material and learning expert validation tests. Data collection uses a likert scale. The conclusions of this research are (1) The wordwall application-based learning media was developed using the ADDIE procedure development model which has 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evalution. (2) The validation test stage shows that be criteria are very valid with a score of 96% of media experts, 92.5% of material experts, and 84% of learning experts. (3) The result of trials carried out on class V students at SDS Nurul Huda Medan in improving student’ communication skills stated that the learning media was based on the wordwall application effectively used in the teaching and learning process.
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