Analisis Pengujian Sistem Informasi Pelaporan Tindak Pidana dan Pelanggaran di Polres Mamuju Tengah Berbasis Qr Code

Ninik Rahayu Ashadi


To find out the results of testing the QR code-based crime and violation information system at the Mamuju Tengah Police. development or research development is a methodology in this study, with the aim of testing the feasibility of the product made. With Data Analysis Techniques using 6 quality characters based on ISO 9126 software testing standards. Testing the ISO 9126 software accuracy standard with 6 testing models on the software, the results obtained have met the overall testing standards with quality in the functionality aspect of 100% (Very Good), reliability of 95% (Meeting), efficiency of 83.9% (Grade B), portability of 100% (Very Good), usability of 88.5% (Very Eligible) and maintainability of 100% (Very Eligible). so it can be concluded that the Results of Testing the QR Code-Based Crime and Violation Information System at the Mamuju Tengah Police, namely Software testing, resulted in findings that this system performed well and was in accordance with user needs. The test results show that this system is able to carry out its tasks well and in accordance with the needs expected by the user. The ISO 9126 software performance standard testing shows that the system achieves adequate quality in most aspects. This shows that the system meets the ISO 9126 software quality standard in most aspects, although there are still some aspects that may need to be improved. Overall, the test results show that the system performs well and meets user needs.


Analysis, testing, information system, QR code based.

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