Kepemimpinan Perempuan Perspektif Hukum Islam

Ulfah Yunita Wulandari, Misbahuddin M, Muhammad Shuhufi


In the period before the arrival of Islam, it was known that women suffered greatly and lived in poverty, but after the introduction of Islam, it was able to change the discriminatory situation that occurred before and enable women to have a decent life equivalent to prosperity. male position. In this article we present an example of female leadership in Islamic law. This article aims to provide an understanding of the views that allow women to become leaders in a country with the same position as men. Using normative research methods or bibliographic legal research is used as a research method. The normative approach is used to study and analyze library materials or search for information identified with research materials as legally required materials related to the research materials being conducted. So it can be concluded that women's leadership in Islamic law is something that is urgent to discuss, even always a debate that never ends. This is because leadership is a reciprocal agreement between the leader and the people whose duties are quite complex, as servants of the people who must be able to realize a sense of justice, create a sense of security, maintain disintegration until the ability to obtain the Baldatun Thaiyibatun Warabbun Ghafur State.


Leadership, Women

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